The Ocean Collection by Mater

Innovative, inspirational and sustainable


Sustainability as a guiding principle has become the norm in many aspects of our lives. The question is: Sustainability and designer furniture – can that work? The Mathes team is convinced that it is the way forward! The Danish brand Mater proves that point beyond a doubt.


Keyword: Upcycling

At first glance, the Ocean Chair by Mater is a great example for successful furniture design. Its lines are soft, yet stringent, creating an understated, yet elegant look. But there is so much more behind the design of this chair. The raw material used for this chair consists in part of old fishing nets. For its creation, Mater states it has partnered up with the only upcycling facility for old fishing nets in the world. Around 960 grams of plastic waste is needed for the production of one Ocean Chair – waste that would otherwise be floating in our oceans. Old fishing nets can therefore find a new and better use, forming the basis of a high-end product that design aficionados absolutely love.

„Just imagine if this Ocean series was a great success – maybe one day we would run out of fishnet waste to use! That would be quite something.“

Henrik Marstrand, founder of Mater

Design tradition meets next generation production methods

The Ocean Chair is based on a draft by Joergen & Nanna Ditzel going back to 1955. Mater was searching for a design that would be right for this innovative and sustainable production process and came across this particular chair, whose designers had already passed away. Their archives were scrutinized with the help of Dennie Ditzel, curator for the Ditzel design legacy. The result is the Ocean Collection, which also includes a matching table for the Ocean Chair. This outdoor collection allows Mater to showcase innovative and sustainable production methods in conjunction with Scandinavian design tradition.

We all agree: The Ocean Chair is a highlight with depth! Are you curious to find out what it feels like to sit in a chair made of recycled fishing nets and if it is comfortable? Come and visit the Mathes store in Aachen. In our exhibition you will find the Ocean Chai and you can come and try it out for yourself.