Lighting Design

Ideas from the Mathes lighting department

Behind the scenes

You can use light to design rooms, set accents and create atmospheres. Light also has a direct influence on our well-being. The selection and placement of your luminaires therefore needs to be well thought out. Here are some suggestions from our lighting experts.

Think of a fall evening in your reading corner. Think of a cozy evening with friends at your dining table. Think about concentrated work at your desk.

Lighting is an important element in furnishing

A brightly lit living room quickly looks uncomfortable on such a reading evening. In contrast, pleasantly dimmed ambient lighting, a well-lit reading chair and a light accent on your favorite picture on the wall immediately create a feel-good reading atmosphere.

At a cozy dinner with friends, the beautifully laid table should be perfectly staged, but at the same time your guests should not be disturbed by the glare of the dining room light. The combination of light source and distance from the table is important here. We will be happy to advise you!

The lighting at your workplace should enable you to concentrate on your work for longer.
Tiring dim light is out of place here.

“Good furnishings stand and fall with the right light sources. Every purpose needs its own light.”

Christine Niemann, lighting consultant

Basic lighting, mood lighting or ambient lighting. Energy efficiency, color temperature and luminous intensity of the light sources. LED lights, pendant lights, ceiling lights, floor lamps or spotlights. There are a lot of decisions to be made when it comes to lighting.

“Every purpose needs its own luminaire,” says Christine Niemann, one of the experts in the Mathes lighting department, who has been responsible for lighting design for apartments and offices, surgeries and houses for over 18 years. Think about how much light you need and where,” says Ms. Niemann as a basic question for lighting planning. For her, the entire interior stands and falls with the lighting concept.

How can we support you with your lighting design?

Christine Niemann and Bruni Hüttenrauch know every light source, every luminaire, every brand and will be happy to present them to you in our lighting department in the basement.Our lighting products range from more affordable brands such as Vita to high-priced brands such as Roll & Hill, Artemide, Tobias Grau and Occhio. With us, everyone can find the right luminaire to suit their budget and design preferences,” says Ms. Hüttenrauch.

And since the light often has a different effect at the customer’s home, many luminaires can be taken home to try out.

Feel free to contact us when you visit our furniture store.